Our philosophy of focusing on delivering our core values of “respect, inspire, achieve” is key to our success in developing an ever improving school for each and every one of our students.
In The News
We have transformed our school in the past four years. We've had a flurry of positive stories in the press and excellent reports from both Ofsted and our Trust.
We have a fantastic range of opportunities for our students including Duke of Edinburgh for every student, an Obstacle course, a fantastic fitness suite and much, much more.
Curriculum Overview
Our vision is to ensure that all young people, regardless of their background, achieve their best in a safe, secure, caring yet challenging learning environment where all of our students are inspired to respect other
Parent information
Our parents are very important to us and we strive to ensure excellent communication between school and home.
Maidenhall Approach, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP2 8PL
Tel: 01473 601252
Opening Hours : Monday - Thursday: 8am - 4pm Friday: 8am - 3.30pm
Principal: Miss K Baldwin
Vice Principal: Mr R Moxon Assistant Principal: Mrs J Iles Assistant Principal: Mrs C Lockett Assistant Principal: Mrs C Welsby Assistant Principal: Mr J Oliver
Please choose from the options below who you want to direct your email to.
The academy has good parking with designated, disabled parking spaces. The buildings are fully accessible to all and assistance is available from reception.