Stoke High School – Ormiston Academy has been assessed and accredited as “fully meeting all the accreditation criteria incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks” for the national quality award for its careers education, information, advice and guidance provision.
Stoke High School – Ormiston Academy has adopted the eight Gatsby Benchmarks as its framework for good career guidance, and regularly implements the Compass Self-evaluation Tool to measure its careers provision against these best practice Benchmarks. For further information about Stoke High School and the self-assessment, please contact our Careers Leader, Mr Johnson at the school.
Careers Leader, Mr Johnson, is always available to support students with any careers-related queries. His office is located in the Maths corridor. To speak to someone about careers please call the school office on 01473 601252.
The most up-to-date careers information can be found on the Careers Notice Board, which is located on the wall next to the Learning Support Room.