Safeguarding, and promoting the welfare of children, is a broader term than Child Protection. It encompasses protecting children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children’s health or development, and ensures children grow up in safe circumstances. Child Protection is part of this definition and refers to activities undertaken to prevent children suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm.
SCARF – Safeguarding Concern Alert Report Form. Click on the image below to report your concern.
We are experiencing strange and difficult times at the moment, as the world faces a period of insecurity the like of which we have never seen and to this end, there are extra strains being placed on all aspects of our lives. It is important that we all remain safe and well and it is important that we all stay safe online and that we look after one another.
Young people today are immersed in a digital world. The power of digital media to explore, connect, create, and learn is part of our culture. With this power, young people have fantastic opportunities and yet they face many potential pitfalls. As a school, we are proactive in sharing advice and guidance with our school community, illustrating both the positive and negative aspects associated with being digital. We explore the consequences of our actions and the ramifications associated with: cyberbullying, digital cheating, identity, self- image, digital footprint, communication and internet safety. We understand that it is essential for all to have the necessary skills to be able to manage the online world.
These safety and security concerns underpin the need for children and young people to learn digital literacy and citizenship skills and to support pupils to act responsibly and to use the internet in a safe and positive way.
Click the icons below for additional support.
Parent Info The experts in digital family life. Providing support and information to help families to navigate the internet safely and confidently | |
Parent Zone Part of Parent Info, providing practical advice and support for major social media, gaming and latest trends in a digital world | |
CEOP If you have been a victim of sexual online abuse or you’re worried this is happening to someone you know, let CEOP know safely and securely | |
Internet Matters Parental guides on smartphones and digital devices, social media, broadband and networks, entertainment and search engines | |
Thinkuknow The education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline | |
Own It Here to help you be the boss of your online life. Whatever you need – help and advice, skills, inspiration – we’ve got it covered | |
Common Sense An independent non-profit organisation dedicated to helping kids thrive in a rapidly changing world | |
Childline Childline is yours. A free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. Whatever your worry, whenever you need help, we’re here for you online, on the phone, anytime | |
UK Safer Internet Centre Providing e-safety advice for young people, parents and carers, teachers and professionals | |
NSPCC whistleblowing advice line |
You may find the following safeguarding documents and websites useful.