At Stoke High School – Ormiston Academy we have certain rules and regulations for the mutual benefit of everyone to enable the academy to run smoothly. We must all appreciate that we also have a responsibility to the wider community.
- Students will be expected to conduct themselves sensibly and considerately in the Academy and in public. Damage to property, persons or anti-social behaviour (such as the dropping of litter or the chewing of gum) will not be tolerated. Students who travel by public or school transport must enter, leave and behave in an orderly manner.
- Students are required to attend regularly and punctually. A parent’s or guardian’s letter or a note in the Student Planner must be brought after any period of absence, and there should be a telephone call to the Student Office by 8.30 am on the first and every following day of absence.
- Morning registration is at 8.30 am in Form Rooms.
- Afternoon registration is at 12.50 pm, at the start of Period 4, in the teaching room for that period.If a student arrives after these times, they will be registered as late.
- Departure from school at any time other than the normal times must be with written permission, either from a parent/guardian (in the Student Planner) or a senior member of staff, and students must ‘sign out’ at the Student Office. On returning they must ‘sign in’.
- Bicycles may be brought to the Academy but permission can be withdrawn at any time by the Year Head. Each bicycle should be completely safe and roadworthy. It should be labelled and parents accept full responsibility for it. It is advisable for the bicycle to be securely locked during the school day.
- Academy uniform must be worn at all times. All items of personal property must be marked. Exercise books should carry the holder’s name. Sports bags can be used for PE kit. Outdoor coats, hoods and baseball caps should not be worn during lessons.
- Aerosol sprays must not be brought into the Academy as they have become a danger to health.
- Money and valuables must never be left in cloakrooms or lockers. Students should carry it with them or deposit it with a member of staff. During physical education or similar lessons, valuables and money should be given to the teacher for safe custody. If articles are mislaid or lost on Academy premises the staff cannot be held responsible for them. Personal equipment such as CD players, MP3 players or similar, should not be brought to the Academy. Mobile phones should be switched off and not used whilst on site – if phones or earphones are seen by a member of staff they will be confiscated.
- Inside the Academy buildings, students should:
- keep to the left whenever possible
- walk and not run.
- In the interests of the community and health of the individual, rules such as showering after games will be observed.
- Any accident happening on Academy premises, or during any Academy activity, must be reported to a member of staff at the earliest possible moment.
- There are special rules which apply to students when they are in laboratories, workshops and practical rooms. These must be carefully noted and obeyed.
Parents are asked to co-operate with the Academy in drawing the attention of their child to the Academy’s regulations, a copy of which is always displayed in the form room and about which students are regularly reminded.